Our Favorite Underdogs: Why Everybody Loves a Comeback
No one believed a has-been southpaw boxer from the slums of Philadelphia could get a shot at the world heavyweight championship belt. His unorthodox training methods – like boxing raw meat in a freezer – made him unlike any opponent that the champ, Apollo Creed, had ever faced. But Rocky got his shot, and unlike the fighters that came before him, he was able to “go the distance” against Creed in an amazing exhibition of guts and stamina. He also learned to believe in himself.
Original Article Source Credits: Saporta Report, https://saportareport.com/
Article Written By Stephanie Stuckey
Original Article Posted on : September 20, 2020
Link to Original Article: https://saportareport.com/our-favorite-underdogs-why-everybody-loves-a-comeback/